Committee II DPD RI Joins the Team of Working Committee for Drafting the KSDAHE Bill with DPR and Government

19 January 2023 oleh admin

Jakarta, dpd.go.id - Committee II DPD RI was included in the Working Committee Team (Panja) and supported the drafting of the Bill on the Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Their Ecosystems (KSDAHE). The bill is needed to guarantee legal certainty in meeting the legal needs of the community for the implementation of sustainable conservation of living natural resources.

At the tripartite meeting, Vice Chairman of Committee II DPD RI Bustami Zainudin conveyed the main points of Committee II DPD RI's response to the KSDAHE Bill. This point was disclosed at a Working Meeting at Commission IV DPR RI with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, discussing the DIM KSDAHE Bill, and the establishment of a Working Committee (Panja) for the Bill on KSDAHE .

"Committee II DPD RI supports the preparation of the KSDAHE Bill to maintain sustainable conservation which is regulated in an integrated systematic manner, as well as arrangements for coherent central and regional authority flows, as well as arrangements for business permits related to biological resources so that they can be synchronized into the Job Creation Law," said the Vice Chairman of Committee II DPD RI Bustami Zainudin accompanied by Member of Committee II DPD RI Emma Yohanna, in the Meeting Room of Commission IV DPR RI, Parliament Complex Senayan Jakarta, Thursday (19/1/23).

DPD RI believes that the philosophical basis for drafting this bill is very fundamental because Indonesia's biological natural resources and their ecosystems play a very important role for the life of the Indonesian nation and the world, both for the current generation and especially for future generations, so that aspects of their management and utilization are in accordance with the mandate of the Indonesian Constitution.

At this meeting it was agreed that members of Committee II DPD RI who represented the Committee on the KSDAHE Bill together with Commission IV DPR RI and the Government were Committee II Chairman Yorrys Raweyai, Vice Chairman of Committee II Bustami Zainudin, Member of Committee II Emma Yohanna, Instiawati Ayus, Fahira Idris, Denty Eka Widi Pratiwi, and Angelius Wake Kako.

"The KSDAHE Bill has very crucial significance from the perspective of the current dynamics of biological natural resources and environmental issues," continued the DPD RI member from Lampung.

After hearing and absorbing all the aspirations at this working meeting, the Vice Chairman of Commission IV DPR RI Budisatrio Djiwandono closed the meeting by establishing the DIM proposal that had been approved and appointing the members of the KSDHAE Bill Working Committee Team.

"After the DIM proposal is approved and the formation of a working committee team consisting of Commission IV DPR, the Government and Committee II DPD RI is agreed together, then it can work immediately," concluded Budisatrio Djiwandono closing the working meeting. (*mas)

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